New DOULA! Film Product Review!!

Just read a product review of our DOULA! documentary on the website.

Here’s what it said:

“When this copy of Doula landed on my doormat, I could barely wait to get it loaded into the DVD player. At 32 weeks pregnant, my mind is turning more and more to the birth and I have considered using a doula for continuity of support throughout what could be a long process.

The DVD follows three couples and their use of a doula from the initial meeting and interview through to the births and the follow-up care provided in a very linear and understandable fashion.

What I really appreciated was how the producers of the DVD chose to include a birth which ended up with one of the couples going to hospital for the final stages because of a complication and how the doula facilitated this move; it was good to see how doulas can be used in combination with assisted births.

The DVD went into plenty of detail, introducing each couple at the beginning and then going back to each in turn to follow their birth stories. It was interesting to see that doulas can be any type of personality, as I had the pre-conception that they would all be ‘earth-mother types!

The DVD also showed how much support a doula can bring outside of the birthing itself- making cups of tea, preparing food, calling relatives and staying after the birth until mum is settled and relaxed. The additional video on the DVD goes into more detail about the doula’s role after the birth- helping mum to establish breast feeding and so on.

I’d recommend any soon-to-be mum considering a doula to watch this video. It is not only informative but sheds a very positive light on the whole birth experience.”


Best Feature: The actual births

Worst Feature: None

Verdict: A clear insight into the use of doulas in the birth process.


Ease of Use: 10 out of 10

Value for Money: 6 out of 10

Quality: 8 out of 10

Overall score: 8 out of 10

About the reviewer: Expecting a baby in September


I think it’s a really fair review – but what do you think?

If you’ve seen the film, I would love you to write a review for any of the Baby / Birth websites or send me a quote I can use on this website.

Or if you see the DOULA! film reviewed anywhere else, please let me know!! Thank you.



Toni Harman, DOULA! Film-maker

To contact Toni Harman, please email:

To view the trailer on Youtube, here’s the link:

To buy the NTSC DVD (for US, CANADA & JAPAN), visit our shop or go to www.

To buy the PAL DVD (for UK, EUROPE & AUSTRALIA), visit our shop or go to


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